A Playthrough of the FreeSpace 2 Modification Dimensional Eclipse created by the Pettanyaa Studios in 2012 on Insane Difficulty by Novachen.
This playthrough was created on version 1.0 of Dimensional Eclipse.
You can download the current version 1.1b, that differs in many ways, here:
We have reached Alcor Station, but nothing is going right here, also. We are again attacked by Pirates and this time they want to loot OUR convoy! So, this is a personal attack, they will pay for it, right?
You can win this mission without to do anything or you can help Alcor Station and collect some kills.
Within the Time Compression, the Game Speed is slowed down by half. You can equalize it, if you increase the Game Speed manually again, but it is not recommend, because this mission is designed to be played at 0.5 Speed for a moment.
You can not destroy the Descendant and you can not safe your convoy.
Instead the Descendant it was originally planned, that the superdestroyer Relentless from the last mission show up again and attack your convoy here.
Played and recorded by:
Jenna "Novachen" Trassa
Questions and Feedback in German and English would be appreciated, but is also possible in French, Spanish and Chinese, because my sister is able to read and understand it. But do not expect an answer in the same language.
If you want direct contact, please e-mail to [email protected].